About Me

Paker Kerth is an up-and-coming age group triathlete with aspirations of soon turning pro. Before starting triathlon in 2021, Parker was an avid high school and collegiate athlete.

In high school, Parker competed in Soccer, Gymnastics, and Tennis. His primary sport, however, was Wrestling. Parker's time wrestling instilled a passion for weightlifting that he still carries with him. It is no secret that Parker's weight training is a core part of Parker's triathlon training. A stronger athlete is a faster athlete.

Parker continued his athletic career at Colorado College, walking on to the Division Three Cross Country team his Junior year. Parker completed the Pikes Peak Marathon and finished his first 50k. After battling multiple running-related injuries, Parker started biking to satisfy his need to train and exercise. Soon after, his Dad, a collegiate swimmer, convinced him to start swimming.

After his first 70.3 triathlons at Gulf Coast, Parker worked with Natasha to prepare for the 70.3 World Championships. Parker won his age group in multiple Ironmans and Half-Ironmans and took second place in the 2021 Ironman World Championships within his first year of working with Natasha. Parker has taken the key lessons and insights he has learned from training with Natasha and combined those with his training and racing experiences to develop his training philosophy.

​Parker's training philosophy centers heavily around individual customization of training plans relying on extensive data. By understanding and tracking key training metrics, such as heart rate and power, along with recovery metrics, such as resting heart rate, sleep time, and HRV, Parker identifies each athlete's ideal training volume and intensity. Parker's history with injuries has also taught him how to manipulate training volume and intensity to limit the risk of injuries while still ensuring that the athlete is progressing. When working with his athletes, Parker draws upon his training and race experience to create personalized goals and training plans to maximize their potential. Parker also is a Certifed USA Triathlon Coach, earning his certificate in 2023.


  • "I'd like to give the credit for my readiness to my coach, Parker Kerth. Parker has provided the best insight and guidance I could've hoped for as I prepared for this event. Specifically, Parker built a coaching plan around me leaving my home for a few weeks to serve with the Navy in an active duty capacity. Few coaches could face a schedule challenge like that and still see improvements out of an athlete - Parker is one of them. My fitness, nutrition knowledge, and race preparedness wouldn't be where they are today without my coach and the incredible team at NVDM"

    Evan Baughman

  • I wanted to write a testimonial for Parker. Please see below! I have worked with a few triathlon coaches in the past and Coach Parker stood out as the best I have ever had by far! Parker’s ability to tailor training plans to my individual needs as well as his constructive feedback not only improved my physical performance by also boosted my mental resilience. Parker’s enthusiasm towards the sport and positive reinforcement created a supportive training environment making each session rewarding. I recommend Parker to anyone seeking not just an amazing triathlon coach, but a mentor who can inspire and elevate both their athletic abilities and overall well-being.

    Julia Tremonte

  • I just reached out to Parker to provide him feedback on working with him for my half Ironman this weekend (and upcoming World Championship full Ironman in September). I thought this feedback is something you might be interested in knowing, too.  For some background, I completed my first ever triathlon (an olympic) last August, my first half ironman last September, and my first full ironman last November. I briefly worked with a coach, but didn’t feel challenged or dialed in. I mostly followed a book to help me complete my race. I knew I needed help to be competitive at the World Championships.  I started working with Parker 6 months ago. In that time, Parker has been such a benefit to me and my racing goals. In terms of numbers, my swim splits went from 2:00 min feeling comfortable to 1:45. I previously couldn’t sustainably keep a 10 min mile pace and now I’m comfortable at under 9. My cycling gains are harder to capture because the workouts vary, but I feel so much stronger overall.  In addition to numbers improving and feeling stronger, Parker advised me on my trainer, nutrition, and my bike, and is always a valuable resource to me, as I'm a novice. More importantly, he’s an engaged coach that checks in on me and provides feedback. He totally challenges me and pushes me, but is also understanding when life happens.  I feel very fortunate that our paths crossed and that he is my coach. While the Happy Valley course is challenging, I know I am ready to crush that race and then on to Nice! I know I wouldn’t be feeling so self-assured if not for Parker. I thought you should know! 

    Sasha Burton